Thursday, December 18, 2008
GITMO is going to be closed, Now what?
The liberals finally got there dream of closing the detention center in Guantanamo bay Cuba, or as Senator Dick Durbin called it the "Gulag" at Guantanamo bay. Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, has his eyes set on a plan that would close GITMO within two years. Gates, knowing that the incumbent president Obama wants to close GITMO once and for all is getting an early jump on the closure of the facility to please his future boss. The obvious question is were do we put 250 well trained taliban fighters if GITMO is closed?
If its up to the far left we would give them Harvard trained lawyers and all the constitutional rights of a common American criminal. but i don't think that the Obama administration is that stupid, but the question still remains, were do we put these terrorists because the problem isn't going away.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Obama's phony bipartisanship.
Well, it seems that President elect Obama wants to appoint a republican to his administration to keep the facade of a bipartisan and Open minded government. but even if he dose appoint a republican ,and i stress if, it will no doubt be a RINO republican like chuck hagle among others. Chuck Hagels name has been batted around, and dick luger has also been considered, and lets not forget our good friend Colin Powell who would be perfect for the sort of republican window dressing Obama wants.
If Obama dose appoint a RINO republican then it will give Obama a big boost. The media will praise him for a bipartisan administration and most of America who are not paying attention will buy into the phony gesture. Hopefully most conservatives will see this for what it is especially if he appoints Chuck Hagel. Obama is a smooth operator and appointing a liberal republican will be just what he needs to boost his image, we just need to expose him on his shell game.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Rebound, Refocus and reenergize!!!!!
It has been a tough week for conservatives with a convincing win for Barack Obama and a gain for the Democrats in the house and the senate. Although it could have been worse,(we got prop 8 passed, and the dems didn't get a super majority) it was still a rough week for conservatives.
The big question on everybody mind is where does conservatism go from here after such a sweeping victory from the far-left of the Democratic Party? Well, my prescription for the problem is to Re-bound, Re-focus, and Re-energize.
Conservatives need to first Re-bound by not throwing a pity party for themselves. We need to keep a stiff upper lip and realize that the future will be good for conservatives if we stick to our principles. The future will be bright with people like Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin who are more than able to carry the conservative torch. So In order to rebound we have to have faith in our future and the people that lead our future.
Conservatives also need to re-focus on the message of Reagan, small government, strong defense, and conservative social policies, then we need to apply them to the modern political environment. We need to remind people that small government and low taxes increase revenue for the country. We need to remind people that we have enemies that wish to do us harm, and we don't need to run from the conservative social policies that most Americans agree with.
The final thing we need to do is to re-energize the conservative movement with people like Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin, and even Mitt Romney, and Mike Pence (who is a congressman from Indiana). A mixture of strong leadership and rock solid conservative principles will propel us to the top again. We also must re-energize by not being demoralized. Yes, we lost, but the future looks good if we stick to our principles and have strong leadership.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
"WARNING" don’t believe the exit polls tomorrow!
I can almost guarantee everyone reading this post that the early exit polls tomorrow will heavily favour Obama in the same way that they favored John Kerry in 2004. The McCain camp sent out an email today that warned of the same thing.
Exit polls are taken after a person votes in a survey from and historically have benefited democrats in the results. This is especially true this year with Barack Obama and the enthusiasm that the left has for him. So expect a good lead for Obama in the exit polls and most importantly IGNORE THEM. Get out and vote and don't be discouraged; the only numbers that matter are the counted votes and that wont be fully counted until tomorrow night. So relax and enjoy your day,and pray for McCain, he's gonna need it.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Only one week to go!
This has been a long election year, and we are finally down to the wire with only one week to go until the day of reckoning. On that day there is a distinct possibility that we could get one of the most far-left presidents in American history named Barack Obama, and conservatives need to be ready and prepared for that. but unlike the New Mexico Sun news paper who declared Obama the winner already; i think this election is not over till its over, and McCain has a good chance at a win.
Excluding Iowa and New Mexico if McCain wins all of the states that Bush won in 2004 then Hello president McCain. He could also pull off an upset in Pennsylvania, and that would clinch an election victory for him. Either way McCain has options even though the unreliable polls have him as the underdog.
So for all of you conservatives out there one week out from this historical election, don't get discouraged,Don't buy everything you see or hear in the Mainstream media ,and come election day get out there and VOTE,VOTE,VOTE!
Excluding Iowa and New Mexico if McCain wins all of the states that Bush won in 2004 then Hello president McCain. He could also pull off an upset in Pennsylvania, and that would clinch an election victory for him. Either way McCain has options even though the unreliable polls have him as the underdog.
So for all of you conservatives out there one week out from this historical election, don't get discouraged,Don't buy everything you see or hear in the Mainstream media ,and come election day get out there and VOTE,VOTE,VOTE!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Should we trust the National polls?
The national polls are all over the map, as we all probably know by now. An associated press-GfK poll has Obama at..... 44 to McCain's..... 43 Giving Obama only a one point lead. A pew poll has it at Obama ...53 to McCain's .....39 a 14 point advantage for Obama, so this is a very wide range that we should be suspicious of. and keep in mind, So far in this election the national polls have been wrong.
In the democratic primary three weeks before Clinton conceded, some Polls had Obama up by 26 points. The last realclearpolitics average for the primary had Obama up by 12.2 points. but there was one big problem for Obama, he won the popular vote by less than 1 percentage point. In this case the national polls were way off, and they overestimated Obamas victory against Clinton.
The moral of the story is that the national polls have done a terrible job so far in this election, so why should we believe them now! Polls should be used as a reference, but not as an absolute reality for any election.......especially this one .
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Vote for Osama?
Some people might actually have to vote for "Barack Osama" because of some voting irregularities. I came across this story an couldn't stop laughing. Maybe if there are more of these mistakes it will be harder for people to vote for Osama, one can always hope.
Ohio secretary of state website hacked.
Jennifer brunner, the Secretary of state for Ohio, reported that the state website was hacked so it was partially shut down. It is not known if any confidential information have been taken from the site as of now, but an investigation is under way. The site won't be fully functional until the investigation is finished. but Before we start feeling sorry For Jennifer Brunner, we should take into account that she recently admitted that 200,000 voter registrations could possibly be fraudulent citing some of the info in the registration records don't match. In spite of this possible voter fraud, she has been fighting the state GOP and recently won in the supreme court regarding the 200'000 possibly fraudulent registrations. So this means that the state of Ohio doesn't need to update there voter registration, or check the voter information to guard against voter fraud. It looks like this is the mess you get when Democrats take control. God help us on November 4!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A letter to Colin Powell!
Well, General Powell, you have endorsed Barack Obama, and I'm still scratching my head as to why you would do such a thing. How could you possibly support the most liberal senator and his VP the third most liberal senator on the heels of democrats possibly getting a supermajority in the congress? How could you support a man that has associations with William Ayers,Reverend Wright,ACORN and who was endorsed by Louis Farrakhan? How could you support a man with such a thin resume, a one term senator with no record of accomplishment, a man with no military experience or executive experience? How could you support a man that looks down on small town Americans calling them bitter and clinging to guns and religion? How could you support a man who's political machine smears a hard working American, a Plumber by the name of Joe? How could you support a man that wants to sit down without preconditions with Holocaust deniers and socialist dictators? How could you support a man that wants to raise the Americans peoples taxes and plummet this country into more debit?
I just have one last Question for you General Powell, how could you?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The polls are tightening folks!
Obama had better think twice before measuring those white house curtains! Recent polls show a tightening race, a Gallup poll of likely voters (traditional) has it at 49 Obama/47 McCain, and another Gallup poll of likely voter (expanded) has it at 50 Obama/46 McCain. Zogby has it at 47.8 Obama/45.1 McCain, and zogby hasn’t had Obama up by more than 6.2 points in the last 8 days. So a bit of good news, it's not over yet.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
"Joe the plumber" represents heartland American values.
When John McCain looked into the camera and spoke to Joe the plumber, he wasn't just speaking to Joe, he was speaking to every hard working American that doesn't want their taxes raised,their national defence weakened, or their country turned into Western Europe. At first, i wasn't sure if it was a good idea to bring Joe into the debate, but the media coverage today has made me think twice.
Joe the plumber (real name Samuel joseph wurzelbacher) is a guy from Ohio and is now a bit of a media sensation, at least for now. Joe has given several interviews, some of them blasting Obama on his tax increase proposals in a way that people can relate to and identify with. Joe speaks for the working man, because he is the working man, and he isn't swayed by Obamas slick ways and lies about tax cuts.
When McCain brought Joe into the debate, he brought all of us into the debate, and i think that Joe the Plumber might be the gift that keeps on giving.
Joe the plumber (real name Samuel joseph wurzelbacher) is a guy from Ohio and is now a bit of a media sensation, at least for now. Joe has given several interviews, some of them blasting Obama on his tax increase proposals in a way that people can relate to and identify with. Joe speaks for the working man, because he is the working man, and he isn't swayed by Obamas slick ways and lies about tax cuts.
When McCain brought Joe into the debate, he brought all of us into the debate, and i think that Joe the Plumber might be the gift that keeps on giving.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The debate is over..... now what?
Another debate and another less than stellar performance by McCain. He threw a few punches, but they just didn't seem to stick, and most snap polls and focus groups after the debate scored Obama the winner. McCain did however try to distance himself from the Bush administration by saying "I'm not president bush. if you want to run against president bush you should have run four years ago" that was the most memorable line of the night.
McCain also tried to question the ACORN and Ayers connection to Obama, and Obama seemed to weasel his way out of it, but McCain didn't follow up. After watching the debate i,m at a loss for words. I'm not sure were McCain goes from here. What can McCain do if anything to take the lead from Obama. The only thing i can think of is for the McCain camp to get the base out on November 4, and hope that the undecideds go with a familiar face in McCain and not take the risk with the new guy Obama. I guess we just have to keep a positive attitude and pray for the best.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Obama is outspending McCain, and so did Romney.
In the area of T.V advertising the Obama campaign is outspending McCain by a considerable margin. In the first week of October Obama spent 21 million on advertising compared to McCain and the RNC spending 12 million.
Obama is also outspending in most of the swing states, and he recently bought 30 minuets of prime time television for October 29th. The Obama camp is also expected to have nearly 100 million in the bank by election day. but the question is how much dose all of this matter.
I think that it's safe to say that having more money is a good thing, but it's not going to win Obama the election alone, just ask Mitt Romney about that. Mitt Romney outspent McCain in new Hampshire 7.3 million to 3.5 million, and McCain defeated Romney handily in New Hampshire. Romney also spent more money Overall in the republican primary until he got out of the race, so money isn't everything. McCain might be down in the polls, and he might be down in money, but he's been there before and came out on top, and he can do it again.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
If Felons could vote, who would they vote for?
2008 seems like the year of voter fraud with all of the stories coming out about ACORN and the multitude of dead people registered to vote in Texas (over 4000 in Houston alone),so it shouldn't be a surprise that felons are registered to vote in Florida. From the drudge report The sun Sentinel paper is reporting that some 30,000 felons (some of whom are still in prison) are eligible to vote in Florida. The Florida Secretary of state Kurt Browning blames it on lack of staff to deal with the large amount of new voters registering.
The interesting thing about this situation is that the felons are registered as democrats 2 to 1 over republicans. Wow, is anybody surprised that Criminals would find a home with the democratic platform of no personal responsibility and a blame society attitude. While the Military overwhelmingly supports republicans, criminals support democrats, need i say more.,0,3762352.story
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sarah Palin set to be on SNL!
Good news for the McCain ticket, Sarah Palin will be on Saturday night live on the 25th of October. Hopefully this will give the McCain ticket a little bump going into election day. Now i know that SNL isn't going to put McCain into the white house, but it will put Palin back into the news, and when she dominates the news McCain seems to do better.
There will also be a few extra million people watching that Saturday night live just because Palin is in it; and I'm sure she will give a good performance reminding people why they like her down to earth personality. So on October 25th millions of eyes will be on palin again and this can only help the McCain ticket. good luck Sarah!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Maybe the Obama machine isn't so efficient.
Early voting in Ohio from September 30 to October 6 did not yield the results that were expected. This window for early voting included people that would register the same day as they cast there ballot. It was expected that possibly hundreds of thousands of people would be a part of the early voting, and everybody thought that Obama was going to have an army of young people and homeless to line up to vote for the change giving Obama.
Well it wasn't an army, it was closer to a division, only 28'000 turned out to vote in the early voting. Maybe the Obama machine is not as well oiled as we once thought. Maybe those young voters won't show up after all. With Obama having such high expectations of motivating people this news dose not bode well for him. It is also true that McCain did not get votes out either, but Obama is depending on getting the new voter out in order for him to win.
This Ohio early voting news is significant, and it is one ray of sunshine in a lot of darkness for McCain in the last couple of weeks.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The McCain ticket is playing hard ball now!
At a rally in Carson California Sarah Palin brought up Barack Obama's association with terrorist William Ayers to a crowd of thousands, and It's about time. The McCain camp is taking the off the gloves and hitting hard, and now all they have to do is keep hitting.
In Colorado at a campaign stop McCain was asked by a supporter when he was going to take the gloves off, McCain Replied "How about Tuesday night?".The town hall debate is Tuesday night and I Hope McCain follows up with His statement to the supporter. If he doesn't there aren't going to be too many opportunities left for him to capitalize on.
There is only a month left in this election so not a lot of time to make up the drop in the polls that McCain is dealing with. Most polls have him down by 6 to 8 points, so he has to remind people that Obama has a lot of skeleton's in his closet namely William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and Tony Resko. 20 years in Jeremiah wright's church, Launching his political career in the home of a terrorist William Ayers, and getting his house from convicted felon Tony Resko should be enough to sink Obama. People just need to be reminded of these associations of Obama,and McCain needs to remind them.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Sarah stopped the downward spiral. Thank God!
Sarah Palin did her job and stopped the downward spiral that the McCain camp was facing. She delivered, and she proved once again that she was just the right pick for the VP slot with last nights performance in the debate.
She was able to relate to the people on a personal level and to connect with everyday Americans in a way that left Joe Biden in the dust. She proved that she had enough knowledge with the issues to go toe to toe with Joe Biden, but still remain a fresh face and one that is not entrenched with inside Washington politics. Most importantly there were no gaffes or blunders and she wiped away some of the recent interviews that did not go so well.
Now is up to McCain in the debate on Tuesday to go on the attack and to put a little fire in his belly. Palin can't carry the ticket alone its up to McCain to step up.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Now It's up to Palin to bailout McCain!
I don't need to tell most people that the last couple of weeks for McCain have not been very good especially in the last week. The debate did not go as well as it could have, and most polls indicate that Obama won the debate. McCain suspending his campaign also backfired, and to top it all off McCain is behind in the polls.
With all the bad news over the last couple of weeks what dose the McCain ticket have to do to get back on track? The first thing to do is stop the bleeding, and the only person that can do that Right now is Sarah palin in the debate on Thursday. If she dose a good job in the debate she will be in the headlines again, and this is always good for McCain. The only thing that can hurt her is if she comes across like she doesn't know what she is talking about, or she looks like a novice, but i highly doubt this will happen.
McCain also needs to make use of her by putting her out to the media after the debate. I know some of the past interviews have not went well, but she is getting the hang of it, and getting better by the day.
When Sarah Palin is the headlines McCain dose better in polling, so get her in the headlines again. The American people love her, and relate to her, she is like a silver bullet to the left, so don't waste her talents McCain put her front and center!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Another bold move by McCain, but will it work?
John McCain in a speech today said that he will be suspending his campaign for now to go back to Washington and help with the financial crisis. He also said that the debate on Friday should be postponed, but will this move hurt or help the senator in the long run.
If McCain goes to Washington and gets something done with the bailout legislation or another variation of the legislation then he will come out ahead and could overtake Obama in the polls again. If it turns out to be a big fight up on capital hill and nothing gets done then it will have the opposite effect and hurt McCain considerably. McCain and Obama were on the sidelines during most of the financial crisis the last couple of weeks ,and McCain has just thrust himself in the middle of it, this move could make or break him.
The one thing that McCain must do is to go to the debate on Friday no matter what. People have been anticipating this debate, and there will be a lot of people disappointed if they don't get a debate on Friday. If he misses the debate it will also look like he is trying to avoid it, and McCain doesn't need that; Not with the polls as they stand now.
Today's move is a double edged sword for McCain, and in the end only time will tell if it was the right decision.
If McCain goes to Washington and gets something done with the bailout legislation or another variation of the legislation then he will come out ahead and could overtake Obama in the polls again. If it turns out to be a big fight up on capital hill and nothing gets done then it will have the opposite effect and hurt McCain considerably. McCain and Obama were on the sidelines during most of the financial crisis the last couple of weeks ,and McCain has just thrust himself in the middle of it, this move could make or break him.
The one thing that McCain must do is to go to the debate on Friday no matter what. People have been anticipating this debate, and there will be a lot of people disappointed if they don't get a debate on Friday. If he misses the debate it will also look like he is trying to avoid it, and McCain doesn't need that; Not with the polls as they stand now.
Today's move is a double edged sword for McCain, and in the end only time will tell if it was the right decision.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sure, democrats aren't racist, except for 1/3 of them.
If you are a conservative I'm sure you have been called a racist at least once in your life when debating a liberal on just about any issue, and it don't necessarily have to be about race. Your a racist if you are in favour of free markets,your a racist if you oppose affirmative action,your a racist if you don't want socialised medicine and i could go on and on with this list.
So the next time you are debating with a Liberal and they pull out the race card, just ask them if they are one of the 1/3 of democrats that have racist feelings about blacks. Yeah that's right, a new AP poll has shown that 1/3 of white democrats have racist views of blacks from being violent to Lazy. Some even think that it might cost Obama the election in November.
The Democrats instead of throwing the word Racism around need to attend to themselves and their own racism. Just because someone supports affirmative action and entitlement programs for minorities is not going to excuse them of racist thoughts or attitudes. Maybe its the liberals that need to go to sensitivity training!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Left wants privacy, except for Sarah Palin's emails.
In a move that only Fidel Castro and other socialist dictators would be proud of, a Left wing hacker has broken into Sarah Palins private email and posted it on a left wing blog. The situation is under investigation by the FBI and the secret service and hopefully the culprit will be prosecuted. Thankfully, the info that was posted about Sarah Palin is not damaging, at least politically .
It seems that the same left wingers that want terrorists to have civil rights and have complained that bush is wire taping everyone don't seem to have the same concerns about Sarah Palins civil rights, or any other conservative for that matter. I think this is just a snapshot of what the far left will do if they get into power in 2009.
The mainstream media is not too concerned about this invasion of her private emails either. It should be front-page news, but again we are dealing with a corrupt left wing media. I'm pretty sure if Barack Obamas email had been broken into the media would be crying Watergate and try to link it to John McCain.
McCain and Palin are really up against it, a corrupt media, and a rabid left wing democrat machine that will do anything to get into power. It is up to talk radio and Conservative bloggers to stem the tide against these to patriots McCain and Palin.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Liberals need a God, because they dont have one!
It has always struck me how the left go into a cult warship mode when they come across a political figure with a little charisma, and a lot of bluster like Barack Obama. People have even compared obama to Jesus, but I think that that’s above Obamas pay grade. If we take it from a historical perspective with the socialist countries, Mao in China, Stalin in Russia, Fidel in Cuba and now Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, it seems that the Left is looking for a savior in human form to fill the God void.
This is not to say that every single leftist is an Atheist, you have some liberation theologists like Reverend Wright, but a good majority are atheists especially in Europe. The Left in its non-belief in God is searching for a higher power even if it’s unconsciously. I think all people yearn for a power higher than themself, and if one dose not believe in God then they have to find a substitute.
This type of mentality has always lead to bad things in the past. When people bestow God like qualities on a man prepare to be disappointed. and just a little reminder to all the Obama fanatics out there; Obama is not Jesus, he is not going to save the world, and with a little help from the American voters he won't become president.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Election as it stands Today.
So where are we in the 2008 race today, only 50 days away from a history making election? After the drop in the stock market today, and the amazing rise of the McCain campaign from mediocre to even with Obama in the polls, where are we? Well the race is like one might expect a dead even neck and neck tie, at least for now.
I would have said that McCain is slightly ahead if we didn't have the wall street hit today with merrill lynch and Lehman Brothers going under. I think that this will have a slightly negative effect on the republicans, but not too much with McCain the maverick at the helm.
McCain has done what a lot of people thought was impossible, he has pulled dead even with Obama after Obamas widely praised speech and in a political environment that favors democrats to a large degree.
During the debates is when we will see one of these candidates pull away with a lead. I have a feeling that this election is not going to be as close as a lot of people suspect, at least in the popular vote. So right now we are in a dead heat for the white house and it is only going to get more interesting with the mad dash in the last 50 days.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
SNL hits Sarah Palin hard.
When Sarah Palin burst on to the scene the media had a field day making fun of this conservative, pro-life, small town woman from Alaska. Attacking in the most crude, sexist, and personal way you could imagine. From making up stories of her daughter carrying her child on the daily kos, to Matt Damon dismissing her as a simple hockey mom, she has had to deal with a lot of flack.
The newest installment of attacks on Sarah Palin were on SNL last night. The opening monologue had Tina fay playing a dimwitted Sarah Palin, and Amy Poehler playing a lamenting Hillary Cinton holding a joint press conference together. In the weekend update part of the show it had constant attacks on her percived lack of experience, and had Bill Hader playing a Alaska native explaining why he likes Palin; Of course he was portrayed as a country yokel without a clue. This is stuff that Barack Obama never had to deal with.
The media is just digging its own grave with the people of America, and it's not going to hurt Sarah Palin or john McCain it's only going to help them. The medias rabid contempt for the average American in the heartland is spilling over, and people are starting to see it in a way they never have before. The media is going to get a backlash that they will never recover from, so maybe there is a silver lining to all the attacks on Palin.
The newest installment of attacks on Sarah Palin were on SNL last night. The opening monologue had Tina fay playing a dimwitted Sarah Palin, and Amy Poehler playing a lamenting Hillary Cinton holding a joint press conference together. In the weekend update part of the show it had constant attacks on her percived lack of experience, and had Bill Hader playing a Alaska native explaining why he likes Palin; Of course he was portrayed as a country yokel without a clue. This is stuff that Barack Obama never had to deal with.
The media is just digging its own grave with the people of America, and it's not going to hurt Sarah Palin or john McCain it's only going to help them. The medias rabid contempt for the average American in the heartland is spilling over, and people are starting to see it in a way they never have before. The media is going to get a backlash that they will never recover from, so maybe there is a silver lining to all the attacks on Palin.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Palin on an interview tour!
Sarah Palin is making the rounds giving interviews to the media. The first was with Charlie Gibson were she appeared strong and confident in her ability to lead, but stumbled a few times with the hard questioning that charlie was throwing at her. She laid out strong support for Israel, and a hard line against Russia, and NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine.
She also had to defend her religious beliefs, and defend the comment "Our national leaders are sending U.S soldiers on a task that is from God" that she said in a church a couple of years back. She defended the comment brilliantly bringing in a quote from Abraham Lincoln "let us not pray that God is on our side, but let us pray that we are on Gods side". She said that she meant essentially what Abraham Lincoln was saying in his quote. She also could have thrown in a few quotes from F.D.R and Winston Churchill about God being on our side.
Overall she did well with Charlie Gibson, and her next stop will be with Sean Hannity next Tuesday. I hope she will visit O'Reilly soon to really prove that she is tough. O'Reilly may have took on Obama in there interview, but Sarah Palin will be a tougher nut to crack.
She also had to defend her religious beliefs, and defend the comment "Our national leaders are sending U.S soldiers on a task that is from God" that she said in a church a couple of years back. She defended the comment brilliantly bringing in a quote from Abraham Lincoln "let us not pray that God is on our side, but let us pray that we are on Gods side". She said that she meant essentially what Abraham Lincoln was saying in his quote. She also could have thrown in a few quotes from F.D.R and Winston Churchill about God being on our side.
Overall she did well with Charlie Gibson, and her next stop will be with Sean Hannity next Tuesday. I hope she will visit O'Reilly soon to really prove that she is tough. O'Reilly may have took on Obama in there interview, but Sarah Palin will be a tougher nut to crack.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The new battleground states.
In 2000 the battle ground states were Ohio and Florida, and in 2004 it was mainly Ohio, but this year there are numerous battle ground states. With the exception of Iowa for Obama, i don't think that you will see a lot of states flip to the other side, obama will not get Ohio or Virginia, and i don't think that McCain will get Pennsylvania or Michigan.
The states to watch out for are Colorado and new Mexico, these states are going to be the Florida and Ohio of 2008. With obama flipping Iowa, if he wins both of these states he will be the next president, and polls show that he is doing well in them. If McCain keeps just one of these states all else being equal and he retains the states that bush won in 2004 then McCain is the next president. Like bush did in 2000 McCain can afford to lose Iowa and still win. So my prediction is that the big states to look for are Colorado and New Mexico, they are going to be the king makers in this election.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ron Paul making trouble again.
Ron Paul is Back again and he will make a big announcement tomorrow with a bunch of third party candidates Ralph Nader,Cynthia Mckinney and Bob Barr. It is not clear if he will endorse a particular candidate from this bunch or just make a general statement about voting for a third party candidate. But it is clear that Ron Paul has a following, and could impact this election if he throws his weight behind a particular candidate.
This is particularly true for bob Barr who is a former republican congressman from Georgia and is running for the libertarian ticket. While he may not be a Ross Perot, he could be a Ralph Nader for the republicans this election particularly in Ohio. Some feel that in this close election Bob Barr might just pull enough votes away from McCain to make a difference, but this might have been tamped down a little by the pick of Sarah Palin as McCain's VP, because conservatives like her so much even if they are not thrilled with McCain.
Either way Ron Paul is not going away, and the republicans better take note because he has a lot of followers and they are fired up and ready to vote.
Monday, September 8, 2008
When dealing with Sarah Palin, Oprah turns the other cheek.
It seems that everybody favorite daytime diva, Oprah, is not going to interview the biggest person to hit politics Sarah Palin. Oprah is quoted as saying
"When I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates," she said.It seems that this statement is a bit of an oxymoron. She says that she won't use the show as a political platform, but she endorsed Obama in a very public way and even campaigned for him. It sounds like she is spinning to me.
Having Sarah Palin on her show, who is a strong woman, would be a perfect fit for her audience, which consists of mainly women. But it would also help the McCain ticket, and obviously Oprah who supports Obama doesn't want that. Maybe its all for the best, it exposes Oprah as a partisan and After bringing in 37 million (Oprah only gets about 8 million to her show) viewers to her speech, i don't think Sarah Palin needs Oprah. In fact it's probably the other way around.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A USA today/Gallup poll has McCain/Palin up by 10.
A USA today/Gallup poll has McCain/Palin up by a whopping 10 points 54 to 44.
This poll was taken after the republican convention, so this is good news for the McCain ticket. This is the most McCain has been ahead of Obama in a very long time, so the Obama team better be concerned at least for now.
This poll was taken after the republican convention, so this is good news for the McCain ticket. This is the most McCain has been ahead of Obama in a very long time, so the Obama team better be concerned at least for now.
Slick, Barack Obama's slip of the tongue
In an interview with George Stephanopolus, Barack Obama made a big error when talking about his religious faith, he said "My Muslim faith" instead of christian faith, and this will no doubt come back to haunt him in the months to come. There have been questions about Barack Obamas faith in the past, and this will just bring up the debate again and will put Obama on the defensive.
Even if the Accusation that Obama is a Muslim is false, this slip up from Obama will just underscore to a lot of people in Ohio and Pennsylvania that Obama is different than them, and he dose not share there values. Obama is already having trouble connecting with the heartland, and having this slip up will not help him.
Even if the Accusation that Obama is a Muslim is false, this slip up from Obama will just underscore to a lot of people in Ohio and Pennsylvania that Obama is different than them, and he dose not share there values. Obama is already having trouble connecting with the heartland, and having this slip up will not help him.
STEPHANOPOULOS: You mention your Christian faith. Yesterday you took off after the Republicans for suggesting you have Muslim connections.
Just a few minutes ago, Rick Davis, John McCain's campaign manager, said they've never done that. This is a false and cynical attempt to play victim.
OBAMA: You know what? I mean, these guys love to throw a rock and hide their hand. The...
STEPHANOPOULOS: The McCain campaign has never suggested you have Muslim connections.
OBAMA: No, no, no. But the -- I don't think that when you look at what is being promulgated on Fox News, let's say, and Republican commentators who are closely allied to these folks...
STEPHANOPOULOS: But John McCain said that's wrong.
OBAMA: Now, well, look. Listen. You and I both know that the minute that Governor Palin was forced to talk about her daughter, I immediately said that's off limits. And...
STEPHANOPOULOS: But John McCain said the same thing about questioning your faith.
OBAMA: And what was the first thing the McCain's campaign went out and did? They said, look, these liberal blogs that support Obama are out there attacking Governor Palin.
Let's not play games. What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you're absolutely right that that has not come...
STEPHANOPOULOS: Christian faith.
OBAMA: ... my Christian faith. Well, what I'm saying is that he hasn't suggested...
STEPHANOPOULOS: Has connections, right.
OBAMA: ... that I'm a Muslim. And I think that his campaign's upper echelons have not, either.
What I think is fair to say is that, coming out of the Republican camp, there have been efforts to suggest that perhaps I'm not who I say I am when it comes to my faith -- something which I find deeply offensive, and that has been going on for a pretty long time.
— Christina Bellantoni, national political reporter,
The Washington Times
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sarah Palin is supa dupa FLY!
Sarah Palin is a revolution all unto herself, she has shook things up more than most people could have imagined just a couple of weeks ago. Two weeks ago who would have imagined a woman being picked to be on a vice presidential ticket after Hillary had been passed up.
Two weeks ago who would have imagined that the John McCain ticket would have created so much enthusiasm among conservatives, and all republicans for that matter. And who would have imagined that after the soaring speech that Barack Obama gave, the republican vice presidential candidate would have nearly equalled him in the ratings, and that John McCain ,who is not known for his speeches, would have received HIGHER ratings than Obama on his speech.
Who would imagine that the media would be so blatant in there liberal attacks on this accomplished Governor of the state of Alaska, a woman that stood up to oil companies and corrupt politicians and lived to tell about it. Yes this is going to be a very interesting election and with Sarah Palin on the ticket, it is going to be historic on both sides.
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